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Mustafa Ümit Kadioglu
Water injection sytem installation
Water injection is becoming more important, especially in motorsports.
Water Injection Sytsem: Neuigkeiten
Welding of the adapter
Concealed injector with tubes
Engine bay
Welding of the adapter
Placement of the water injectors
The first step of installing the water injection system is to choose the position of the nozzles. In this project the injector was installed on the pressure pipe, far away from the throotle body and directly after the intercoolers. This placement was chosen purposely to cool the intake air temperture.
The nozzle was installed into the pipe using a welded adapter.
Water Injection Sytsem: Unser Profil
Welding of the container
Welding joint
Water tank stored in the trunk
Welding of the container
Custom made alumium water container
Using aluminium is preferable for lightweight parts. In this project the water tank was hidden in the trunk.
Water Injection Sytsem: Unser Profil
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